Spiritual Graffiti

  • If God is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining.
  • PRAYER is a state of mind, where an amazing exchange happens! We hand over our worries to God and He hands over His blessings to us!Upload to Facebook
    PRAYER is a state of mind, where an amazing exchange happens! We hand over our worries to God and He hands over His blessings to us!
  • Can atheists get insurance for acts of God?Upload to Facebook
    Can atheists get insurance for acts of God?
  • Patience with family is love;<br />
Patience with others is respect;<br />
Patience with self is confidence;<br />
And patience with god is faith!Upload to Facebook
    Patience with family is love;
    Patience with others is respect;
    Patience with self is confidence;
    And patience with god is faith!
  • Markets are like God. The High Priests takes our offerings.
  • Why wait for 11:11 when God is available 24/7?
  • HECK is where people go who don't believe in GOSH.
  • The more you complain, the longer God lets you live.
  • Prayer is the best way to meet the Lord. Trespassing is faster.
  • I used to be an atheist until I realized I was God.