Business and Finance Trivia

  • Friday and Saturday flights are 30% more expensive than flights with Monday to Thursday departures.
  • Most of Sony's profits come from selling insurance. In Japan, they sell auto, life and medical insurance.
  • 40 percent of McDonald's profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.
  • Ted Turner is the largest private landowner in the U.S. with about 1.75 million acres in New Mexico, Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska.
  • Singapore has the world's highest percentage of millionaires with 1 out of 6 households having at least USD one million in disposable wealth.
  • New Google employees are called 'nooglers' and are given a propeller beanie hat to wear on their first Friday.Upload to Facebook
    New Google employees are called 'nooglers' and are given a propeller beanie hat to wear on their first Friday.
  • Pencil sale rates increased by 700% the year after Sudoku became popular.
  • The Tootsie Roll story began in 1896, when Austrian-born Leo Hirshfield opened a tiny candy shop in New York City. It was affectionately named after Hirshfield's five-year old daughter, Clara, whose nickname was 'Tootsie'.
  • Ikea is the world's largest and richest "non-profit charity".
  • The popular electronics store Best Buy was originally called "Sound of Music".