The speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s. The coordinate for the Great Pyramid of Giza is 29.9792458°N. |
There is a Banyan tree in Pakistan that has been chained and officially arrested since 1898. This happened when James Squid, a drunk British officer thought the tree was moving towards him. |
In October 2017, the JFK files were finally declassified. In them, was a claim by a CIA agent that Hitler was alive and living in Columbia! |
Did you know: In the Town Barrow located in Alaska, the sun sets on November 18 and rises on January 23. During this period, there is complete darkness for 67 days! |
A man obsessed with body modifications has TUSKS fitted to look like an Orc. Orc, 41, tattooed 80 percent of his body, including his EYES and eight subdermal piercings. He has also had his tongue split! |
It's a common prank among Japanese kids to stick fingers into other people's butts when they are not looking. It's called Kancho! |
Shrek was actually based on a real person named Maurice Tillet. He was a French wrestler who married an extremely beautiful woman named Olga! |
Difference between the mobile calculator and a normal calculator. In normal calculator 4+4÷4=2 In mobile calculator 4+4÷4=5 Because a normal calculator does not follow the principle of BODMAS. |
Greek Philosopher Chrysippus died from laughing at one of his own jokes! |
The Manchineel tree is one of the most dangerous trees for human beings. Its bark causes skin to blister and can blind a person if a part of it gets into the eyes. |