15 August SMS

  • Wishing you a New Year filled with happiness, health, and success.
    May this year bring new opportunities and endless joy to you and your loved ones.

    Happy New Year!
  • As we bid farewell to this year, let's hold on to the beautiful memories and let go of what no longer serves us. Here's to a fresh start and a promising New Year.

    Happy New Year!
  • हे स्व! सत्य का अभ्यास करो, और और कुछ भी नहीं बस सत्य का!Upload to Facebook
    हे स्व! सत्य का अभ्यास करो, और और कुछ भी नहीं बस सत्य का!
    ~ Lord Mahavira
  • पटना में एक इंटरव्यू!</br>
इंटरव्यूवर: तुम्हारे पास ऐसा क्या अलग है जिसे देख कर हम तुम्हें नौकरी दें?</br>
कैंडिडेट उठ कर खिड़की पर गया गुटका थूकते हुए बोला, `कट्टा देखे हो कभी?`Upload to Facebook
    पटना में एक इंटरव्यू!
    इंटरव्यूवर: तुम्हारे पास ऐसा क्या अलग है जिसे देख कर हम तुम्हें नौकरी दें?
    कैंडिडेट उठ कर खिड़की पर गया गुटका थूकते हुए बोला, "कट्टा देखे हो कभी?"
  • I'm sure God created cats to give men a chance to understand how women behave!Upload to Facebook
    I'm sure God created cats to give men a chance to understand how women behave!
  • फिर वही लम्बी दोपहरें हैं फिर वही दिल की हालत है;<br/>
बाहर कितना सन्नाटा है अंदर कितनी वहशत है!Upload to Facebook
    फिर वही लम्बी दोपहरें हैं फिर वही दिल की हालत है;
    बाहर कितना सन्नाटा है अंदर कितनी वहशत है!
    ~ Aitbar Sajid
  • May this Independence Day bring harmony between all the communities and unite us as a nation.<br/>
Happy 15 August!Upload to Facebook
    May this Independence Day bring harmony between all the communities and unite us as a nation.
    Happy 15 August!
  • We can only cherish our country's independence by protecting its constitution and respecting its people.<br/>
Happy 15 August to Indians settled all over the world!Upload to Facebook
    We can only cherish our country's independence by protecting its constitution and respecting its people.
    Happy 15 August to Indians settled all over the world!
  • Freedom is the way God intended us as it is inherent in nature. Something that no one can and should take it away from you. Let's celebrate by reiterating our faith in the constitution!<br/>
Happy 15 August!Upload to Facebook
    Freedom is the way God intended us as it is inherent in nature. Something that no one can and should take it away from you. Let's celebrate by reiterating our faith in the constitution!
    Happy 15 August!
  • Freedom doesn't see colour, creed or shapes. There is enough hate and violence in the world, and now we need to build a better future, full of love, unity and understanding.<br/>
Here's to a wonderful Independence Day!Upload to Facebook
    Freedom doesn't see colour, creed or shapes. There is enough hate and violence in the world, and now we need to build a better future, full of love, unity and understanding.
    Here's to a wonderful Independence Day!