Some public toilets have blue lights to make it difficult for heroin users to see their veins. |
When a person lies, the temperature of their nose rises. This is known as the "Pinocchio Effect". |
With a passing rate of .00002%, the SAT is one of the hardest tests in America! |
A buttload is actually a measurement of volume. One buttload is equal to 126 gallons. |
'Dysania' is the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning. |
The word 'Lieutenant' comes from the French language and combines two words 'lieu' meaning "in place" as in a position; and the second word 'tenant' meaning 'holding' thus "holding in position'. |
Out of the 17,000 words used by William Shakespeare, 1,700 of them were his inventions. |
A 'moment' technically means 90 seconds. |
The division symbol (รท) is actually called an 'Obelus'. |
Dyscalculia is the technical term for dyslexia with math. |