School and Education Graffiti

  • A student who changes the course of 'History' is probably taking an exam!
  • You are never too blonde to learn.
  • 5 out of every 4 people have trouble with fractions.
  • Student who study history, will find there is no future in it.
  • Education is the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty.
  • If a single teacher can't teach all the subjects then how could one expect a single student to learn all the subjects.Upload to Facebook
    If a single teacher can't teach all the subjects then how could one expect a single student to learn all the subjects.
  • The best way for university student to turn their life completely around is to get 90 degrees.
  • I got caught stealing full stops. I'm looking at a lengthy sentence.
  • I was born intelligent but education ruined me.
  • A poor report card has one good thing in its favour. At least you know the student is not cheating!