Sorry SMS

  • I am sorry now for not being sorry when I should have been sorry when sorry was not the sorry option!Upload to Facebook
    I am sorry now for not being sorry when I should have been sorry when sorry was not the sorry option!
  • Refusing to forgive someone is like drinking poison;<br/>
And waiting for the other person to die.<br/>
I am Sorry!Upload to Facebook
    Refusing to forgive someone is like drinking poison;
    And waiting for the other person to die.
    I am Sorry!
  • What I did was foolish and impulsive. If I could take it all back I'd have done it the instant I learnt I hurt you.<br />
It was totally unintentional and I'm very sorry for it.<br />
Please forgive me!
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    What I did was foolish and impulsive. If I could take it all back I'd have done it the instant I learnt I hurt you.
    It was totally unintentional and I'm very sorry for it.
    Please forgive me!
  • An apology is the superglue of life: it can repair just about anything.<br />
I am sorry!Upload to Facebook
    An apology is the superglue of life: it can repair just about anything.
    I am sorry!
  • Saying Sorry is not only admitting the mistake. It is surrendering to the love, affection, respect and caring from the bottom of the heart for someone special.<br/>
Sorry for hurting you!Upload to Facebook
    Saying Sorry is not only admitting the mistake. It is surrendering to the love, affection, respect and caring from the bottom of the heart for someone special.
    Sorry for hurting you!
  • Tears are words the heart can't express.<br />
I am Sorry!Upload to Facebook
    Tears are words the heart can't express.
    I am Sorry!
  • Sorry may have become 'Just another Word';<br/>
But with tears, it means the world!Upload to Facebook
    Sorry may have become 'Just another Word';
    But with tears, it means the world!
  • I have made some mistakes... you can hit me, scold me or even torture me.<br />
But I'm really sorry and I would do anything to make up for it.<br />
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    I have made some mistakes... you can hit me, scold me or even torture me.
    But I'm really sorry and I would do anything to make up for it.
  • Sorry may have become just another word;<br/>
But with tears, it means the world.<br/>
I am sorry!Upload to Facebook
    Sorry may have become just another word;
    But with tears, it means the world.
    I am sorry!
  • I truly am sorry to have hurt you. I never meant it at all.<br />
Please forgive me accept me with my follies!
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    I truly am sorry to have hurt you. I never meant it at all.
    Please forgive me accept me with my follies!