Wishes SMS

  • Being happy or sad,<br/>
Gloomy or excited,<br/>
Moody or stab, are options that are presented to you every morning. You just have to make the right choice.<br/>
Good Morning!Upload to Facebook
    Being happy or sad,
    Gloomy or excited,
    Moody or stab, are options that are presented to you every morning. You just have to make the right choice.
    Good Morning!
  • My greatest pleasure is to see you victorious over all the hurdles in life. You deserve the biggest congratulation for all your hard works!Upload to Facebook
    My greatest pleasure is to see you victorious over all the hurdles in life. You deserve the biggest congratulation for all your hard works!
  • Remember to just take it one day at a time and in no time, you will be completely healthy and smiling once again.<br/>
Get well soon!Upload to Facebook
    Remember to just take it one day at a time and in no time, you will be completely healthy and smiling once again.
    Get well soon!
  • Silence is the strong fence around wisdom.<br/>
If your foot slips, you can regain your balance; but if your mouth slips, you can never rebuild your image again.<br/>
Good morning and have a great weekend!Upload to Facebook
    Silence is the strong fence around wisdom.
    If your foot slips, you can regain your balance; but if your mouth slips, you can never rebuild your image again.
    Good morning and have a great weekend!
  • Life is about making an impact,  not income.<br/>
Good Morning!Upload to Facebook
    Life is about making an impact, not income.
    Good Morning!
  • Everything is temporary - emotions, thoughts, people and scenery. Do not get attached, just flow with it.<br/>
Good morning and have a good day!Upload to Facebook
    Everything is temporary - emotions, thoughts, people and scenery. Do not get attached, just flow with it.
    Good morning and have a good day!
  • To all those people who say `Good Morning` on Mondays, what's wrong with you guys?Upload to Facebook
    To all those people who say "Good Morning" on Mondays, what's wrong with you guys?
  • You don't need everything to enjoy life. You already have a life to enjoy everything.<br/>
Good Morning!Upload to Facebook
    You don't need everything to enjoy life. You already have a life to enjoy everything.
    Good Morning!
  • Let the steady winds carry your dreams, riding on the hopes and wishing for the loves to make their delightful way.<br/>
Good morning and have a great day!Upload to Facebook
    Let the steady winds carry your dreams, riding on the hopes and wishing for the loves to make their delightful way.
    Good morning and have a great day!
  • The basic difference between God and humans is...<br/>
God gives, gives, gives, and forgives, while human gets, gets, but forgets.<br/>
Good Morning!Upload to Facebook
    The basic difference between God and humans is...
    God gives, gives, gives, and forgives, while human gets, gets, but forgets.
    Good Morning!