Beauty and Fashion Graffiti

  • The more attractive you are, the more awkward I am.Upload to Facebook
    The more attractive you are, the more awkward I am.
  • Beauty comes from within - within jars, tubes and bottles!Upload to Facebook
    Beauty comes from within - within jars, tubes and bottles!
  • The more attractive you are, the more awkward I am!Upload to Facebook
    The more attractive you are, the more awkward I am!
  • My wife used to have an hour- glass figure, but the sand shifted.Upload to Facebook
    My wife used to have an hour- glass figure, but the sand shifted.
  • Excuse me miss, you've got a little bit of face on your makeup!
  • Everyone is beautiful if you squint a little.
  • Sometimes a woman's best beauty aid is a short-sighted man.
  • A woman is as old as she looks before breakfast.
  • When she saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she'd dye.
  • It ain`t the jeans that make your butt look fat.