Quotes Adult and Non veg Restricted

  • A 400 pound lady, who likes both men and women, is a bisexual built for two.
  • Man and woman, love, what is it? A cork and a bottle.
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    Man and woman, love, what is it? A cork and a bottle.
    ~ James Joyce, Ulysses
  • Seen through the glow of a building orgasm, a woman seems to blaze with angelic glory.
    ~ Larry Niven, Ringworld
  • If there is a true secret to the universe, it is this... these first few seconds of warmth and entry and complete acceptance by one's beloved.
    ~ Dan Simmons, The Rise of Endymion
  • Either sex alone is half itself.
    ~ Alfred Tennyson, The Princess
  • The single most enjoyable thing in the world... SEX!Upload to Facebook
    The single most enjoyable thing in the world... SEX!
    ~ Starhawk
  • The mammary fixation is the most infantile and the most American, of the sex fetishes.
    ~ Molly Haskell
  • There's very little advice in men's magazines, because men don't think there's a lot they don't know. Women do. Women want to learn. Men think, "I know what I'm doing, just show me somebody naked.
    ~ Jerry Seinfeld
  • A man loses his sense of direction after four drinks; a woman loses hers after four kisses.
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    A man loses his sense of direction after four drinks; a woman loses hers after four kisses.
    ~ Henry Louis Mencken
  • Why is it men are permitted to be obsessed about their work, but women are only permitted to be obsessed about men?
    ~ Barbra Streisand
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