Interesting SMS

  • Technically, All the money you've spent on food has been flushed down the toilet!Upload to Facebook
    Technically, All the money you've spent on food has been flushed down the toilet!
  • Rich people have affairs and poor people cheat!Upload to Facebook
    Rich people have affairs and poor people cheat!
  • The only thing that's worse than being ignored by the other gender is being ignored by automatic door sensors!Upload to Facebook
    The only thing that's worse than being ignored by the other gender is being ignored by automatic door sensors!
  • I'm not sure where women go to learn to argue, but that place is awesome!Upload to Facebook
    I'm not sure where women go to learn to argue, but that place is awesome!
  • What did I learn today?<br/>
Every invention takes time to develop and to work out the kinks. I mean, even Kleenex was nothing to sneeze at in the beginning!Upload to Facebook
    What did I learn today?
    Every invention takes time to develop and to work out the kinks. I mean, even Kleenex was nothing to sneeze at in the beginning!
  • Today I realized that erasers slowly sacrifice their lives for our mistakes!Upload to Facebook
    Today I realized that erasers slowly sacrifice their lives for our mistakes!
  • Being an introvert allows me to care about humanity and despise human beings, simultaneously!Upload to Facebook
    Being an introvert allows me to care about humanity and despise human beings, simultaneously!
  • The only exhausting thing about online shopping is to find a payment method that doesn't require you to get up!Upload to Facebook
    The only exhausting thing about online shopping is to find a payment method that doesn't require you to get up!
  • Going grey is your body's hair printer running out of colored ink!Upload to Facebook
    Going grey is your body's hair printer running out of colored ink!
  • Sometimes you meet someone, and you know from the first moment that you want to spend your whole life without them!Upload to Facebook
    Sometimes you meet someone, and you know from the first moment that you want to spend your whole life without them!