One generally makes 10 friends; Laughs with 9; Talks regularly to 8; Meets 7; Celebrates with 6; Loyal to 5; Parties with 4; Holidays with 3; Cries with 2; But only trusts 1! |
Remember, you don't need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends you can be certain of! |
Difference between a friend and a best friend: When you're admitted to a hospital: A friend asks: How's the health? But a best friend asks: How's the nurse? |
A real friend is the one who'll try to pick you up when you have fallen; And if he can't pick you up, he'll lie down right beside you! |
I checked my pocket and I found coins; I checked my wallet and I found rupees; But when I checked my heart, I found a friends like you; And then I realized about my riches! |
We meet 3 types of friends in our lifetime: 1. Friends for a reason 2. Friends for a season 3. Friends for a lifetime |
I can't find a reason why life introduced me to you. But that's not the question. The question is as to how life knew that I needed a friend like you! |
Smiling is a sign of good mood; Laughing is sign of happiness; Praying is sign of good faith; And having you as my friend is a sign of God's blessings! |
Some people are responsible for your crying and tears; Others give you laughter and smiles; But only very rare people can give you laughing tears and crying smiles; and those are known as Friends. Thanks for being a friend! |
Never let your friends feel lonely - Disturb them at all times! |