At birth, a panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces (0.113 kg). |
Cataglottism: Kissing with tongue. |
Ever noticed - The Roman Numeral for forty (40) is XL. |
Nepenthe (n.) something that can make you forget grief or suffering. |
Tokyo, Japan has been the world's most populous megacity since 1955. |
Metanoia (n.) The journey of changing one's mind, heart, self or way of ife. |
The pupil of the eye expands as much as 45 percent when a person looks at something he/she finds pleasing. |
Witzelsucht (n.) s feeble attempt at humor, excessive facetiousness, a condition where the patient compulsively tells puns. |
Sharks have a strong sense of hearing. They can hear a fish thrashing in the water from as far as 500 meters away! |
sabaism or sabaeanism (n.) the worship of stars. |