
  • The Goblin Shark is considered a living fossil due to the fact that it is the only existing representative of the family Mitsukurinidae, which has a lineage of over 125 million years.
  • The goblin shark is considered a living fossil since it is the only.Upload to Facebook
    The goblin shark is considered a living fossil since it is the only.
  • The purple frog lives underground for most of the year and only comes out for about two weeks every year to mate.
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    The purple frog lives underground for most of the year and only comes out for about two weeks every year to mate.
  • A group of coconut crabs is called a 'nightmare'.Upload to Facebook
    A group of coconut crabs is called a 'nightmare'.
  • Adam Levine is ambidextrous. He writes and draws with his left hand but prefers his right hand for most of other activities.Upload to Facebook
    Adam Levine is ambidextrous. He writes and draws with his left hand but prefers his right hand for most of other activities.
  • Rabbits have extremely strong hind limbs which allow them to jump up to one metre high and three metres long.Upload to Facebook
    Rabbits have extremely strong hind limbs which allow them to jump up to one metre high and three metres long.
  • Neptune was the first planet to have its existence predicted by calculations before it was actually seen by a telescope.Upload to Facebook
    Neptune was the first planet to have its existence predicted by calculations before it was actually seen by a telescope.
  • More than 90% of all mobile data traffic in the U.S. was carried over Wi-Fi networks in 2013.Upload to Facebook
    More than 90% of all mobile data traffic in the U.S. was carried over Wi-Fi networks in 2013.
  • Chocolate has an anti-bacterial effect on the mouth and protects against both decay.Upload to Facebook
    Chocolate has an anti-bacterial effect on the mouth and protects against both decay.
  • When a larger or more aggressive animal approaches a cheetah in the wild, it will give up its catch to avoid a fight.Upload to Facebook
    When a larger or more aggressive animal approaches a cheetah in the wild, it will give up its catch to avoid a fight.