An infant human has about 300 bones, some of which fuse together as the youngster grows up. An adult human typically has 206 bones. |
The fear of being forgotten and or ignored by someone whom you strongly care about is 'Athazagoraphobia'. |
In Nova Scotia, Canada. it's against the law to water the grass while it's raining outside. |
Australia's largest petition (792k signatures), presented on December 04, 2000, was to protest the rise in beer prices! |
One can control the volume of a YouTube video by using the up and down arrows on the keyboard. |
Singapore has the world's highest percentage of millionaires with 1 out of 6 households having at least USD one million in disposable wealth. |
In some states of the US like Iowa, one can be fired for being too attractive - it doesn't matter if one is flirting or not. |
Although it's very rare, clouds can sometimes be iridescent. |
Thantophobia, the fear of losing someone you love. |
The little bump on the front side of your ear is called a tragus. |