Dipannita Sharma Shoots for PETA

Wearing a bodysuit that resembles a snakeskin and lying on a tree trunk in a jungle setting, Dipannita Sharma appears in a brand-new ad for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India just in time for the release of her new horror film, Pizza 3D. The ad`s caption reads, `Exotic Animals Belong in the Wild, Not in Your Wardrobe`. Sharma`s point? That snakes, crocodiles and other reptiles endure horrors, such as being skinned alive, for fashion. The stunning ad was shot by ace photographer Colston Julian, and the bodysuit is by Chandni Bahri with Nikhil Thampi. Valliyan, by Nitya, provided the accessories, and Sharma`s hair and make-up were done by Rohini Foregard.

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