Toba Tek Singh Trailer


Set a few years after the 1947 Partition, this gripping story follows Bishan Singh, a Sikh inmate in a Lahore asylum, as India and Pakistan exchange mentally ill patients across their newly established borders. Bishan Singh, originally from the town of Toba Tek Singh, finds himself caught in the turmoil when he learns that his hometown is now in Pakistan. Struggling with the idea of being sent to India, Bishan`s journey captures the emotional and geographical dislocation experienced during one of history`s most significant events.

Cast: Pankaj Kapur, Vinay Pathak, N. K. Pant, Chirag Vohra
Writer: Udit Chandraul, Saadat Hassan Manto, Ketan Mehta
Director: Ketan Mehta


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