Director Ram Madhvani is content with the performance by actress Sonam Kapoor in his forthcoming film "Neerja", which is a biopic on braveheart flight attendant Neerja Bhanot.
Asked if Sonam was his first choice for the movie, Madhvani told IANS: "Yes, from day one, I was very clear and I am happy that she said 'Yes'. She had come to Chandigarh to meet Neerja's mother, and when she walked into the house, her mother said 'Yeh toh laado aa gayi ghar pe'. Neerja's pet name was 'laado'.
"Sonam has done complete justice to her performance in 'Neerja'."
The film features Sonam as Pan Am chief purser Neerja Bhanot, who was gunned down by terrorists on a hijacked flight in 1986. She saved a number of lives but lost her own.
Madhvani said: "This film was my dream and I keep on saying that the film is blessed. It's a very tough to make a film, especially this kind of a film."
Neerja", presented by Fox Star Studios, will release on February 19.
Sunday, February 07, 2016 11:00 IST