Priyanka Chopra tweeted her experience of milking a buffalo and spending a night at a remotest village with no electricity in Rajasthan, as a part of Greenathon!
Yana goes topless!Panty-less girl Yana Gupta goes topless for a magazine!
Mallika's life is like Obama's?Mallika Sherawat, who recently met US President Barack Obama, believes her life is more like Obama's life!
Shahrukh's first kiss!Shahrukh Khan is going to make his kiss-debut on screen by kissing Kareena Kapoor in Ra One!
Salman snubs Malaika for ZarineSalman Khan snubs bhabhi Malaika Arora by calling her item girl, in comparison to Zarine Khan whom he calls a heroine!
Salman's 'kissing' world recordSalman Khan creates a Guiness World Record after 25 girls kiss his hand 108 times in a minute on 'Guiness World Record-Ab India Todega' TV show!