
    Santa in Trouble
  • Justice at last! Justice at last! Nupur and Rajesh Talwar have been sentenced to life in prison by a court in Uttar Pradesh for the twin murders of their daughter Aarushi and their domestic help Hemraj Banjade in 2008.
  • Modi's Fake CD! Modi's Fake CD! Shiv Sena mouthpiece 'Saamna' has made an explosive claim that the Congress is making a fake sex CD of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
  • 'Shame' Chaudhary 'Shame' Chaudhary Shoma Chaudhury finds herself in the unenviable position of having to explain the shameful conduct of her boss Tarun Tejpal, founder-editor of Tehelka. And she chooses to defend him by saying that he has done more than `atone`. The atonement she speaks of is of course, Tejpal's `offer` to recuse himself for six months. To the media she says that it is an internal matter of Tehelka and that they don't have any business asking questions about it.
  • Game-over! Game-over! Magnus Carlsen lingered for a while over the board. A 65-move draw agreed upon, the modalities with the arbiters completed, hands shaken, Viswanathan Anand had swiftly exited the glass cage.
  • Anniversary Gift! Anniversary Gift!