
    Haunting tree!
    Both had a good time. But the truth is always bitter as they find out at the end.
  • Charmer of a different kind! Charmer of a different kind! If this woman could not charm him, how can this snake charmer.
  • A pleasure ride! A pleasure ride! This guy is confused as to the reason for his wife falling under the zebra time and again. You would know after seeing this picture.
  • Clinical precision! Clinical precision! This Clinic cannot afford the Semen Bank or this Doctor does not want to have one due to ulterior motives.
  • USA vs Iraq? USA vs Iraq? Why America could not really beat the Iraqis? You can have issight into this top-secret information. Please don`t pass this information due to security reasons.
  • Gay Golf! Gay Golf! Gays have built this unique Golf Club to give vent to their carnal plaesures. This also doubles-up as foreplay.