Branching out! Jungles are not at all safe. especially when you have a dame with you. So tree-top is the safest place for any rendezvous.
Palms greased!However, the greasing is required elsewhere. Some things are blown out of proportion. But the doctor has plans for blowing something else. Let us hope the plans fall in place.
This jersey is hot property!So does this guy who is wearing it. It is no mean job to be a celebrity and that too in the field of football. David Beckham can vouch for it.
Height of truthfulness!You would know after seeing and reading it. Either she is plain truthfull or she doesn`t have the grasp of phrases. Some people have grasp of some things better than other. (:
Sensitive zone!One should not play around with skeletons . If they can get excited. As this Biology teacher found out to her chagrin.