India's tennis ace Sania Mirza, who lost in the first round of the Wimbledon singles competition, has slipped two places to 40th in the Women's Tennis Association (WTA) rankings.
Mushy prepares Pakistan President Gen. Pervez Musharraf has started preparations for his re-election.
Pervert PlayA nude man ran into the tennis courts where Maria Sharapova was playing. She ignored him as she didn't want to look into the details.
Rang de SunehriRakyesh Omprakash Mehra’s path-breaking Rang De Basanti has been selected for the Golden Globe Awards.
Bad LandingNever sit in a Pakistani fighter plane or your partner can land you in real trouble
Yoga vs WhiskyFor teetotalers it takes years to practice this asana, but boozers can do the same with 8-10 pegs only.
One more reason to say cheers!!!!