India's growing international profile and the craze for Bollywood has helped Hindi to spread in the US, says the chief of Voice of America's (VOA) Hindi service
Bikini IssueThe issue of bikini girl took Pak assembly by storm. The assembly legislators had a close look at her photograph "and that seemed to be the extent of the debate," said the Daily Times
Will PowerRajya Sabha member Ram Jethmalani has revealed that underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, wanted to surrender before authorities on the pre-condition that he will not be 'tortured', but his proposal was not accepted by the government.
Munna BhaiBollywood actor Sanjay Dutt's future continues to hang in balance as the special TADA court began giving its verdict in the 1993 serial blasts case.
Booby TVBaywatch babe Pamela Anderson plans to launch her own TV channel to be shown in Britain which would show late-night programs, saucy sex movies and celebrity sex tips
AIDS ScareAIDS scarePakistan's intelligence agency ISI to launch AIDS war on Indian soldiers!