An elaborate headgear saved Amitabh Bachchan's life after he was kicked on the head by a camel while shooting for a film; Shah Rukh says Big B is old now.
Goal of a BitchAll the guys who read too much between the lines will never be able to save themselves from such shrude women despite warnings.
Early ExposureMore children are seeing online pornography, mostly by accidentally viewing
sexually explicit websites while surfing the Internet, researchers of university of New Hampshire say
Global WarmingHuman activity is likely to increase global temperatures by 1.8-4C over the next century, scientists warn
Open 'Arms'Shilpa Shetty's family has decided to welcome Jade Goody with open arms during her India visit next month.
41st CenturyHaving silenced his critics with a classy one-day international century, Sachin Tendulkar said he knows about his batting and never paid heed to others views