Colors have launched India's first cricket-format show-Ek Khiladi EK Haseena, which is a combination of two of India's biggest passion: Cricket and Glamour
Jeev RisesJeev Milkha Singh consolidated his stature as the highest ranked Indian by moving up four rungs to the 60th place
Rains, Terror & CricketLook... in the days of terror and monsoon these are the costumes of the cricket teams of India, Aus and NZ featuring in 'A' Team Triangular Series
Big B vs Big MRaj Thackeray has accepted Amitabh's apology and said that he'll take back his agitation against the Bachchans
King Hath a FallCongress leader and former CM Amarinder Singh was on Wednesday expelled from the Punjab Assembly after being indicted by a House committee in a graft case
Shoemaker To The WorldThomas Bata, the founder of famous shoe company, who left indelible footprint in India, dies