Newlywed Virgin


    A young woman, who knew absolutely nothing about sex, fell in love with a man and agreed to marry him. As their wedding day approached, she became very nervous about her impending deflowering. Putting her anxiety aside, she decided that she would just marry her man and let him do whatever it was that he wanted to do.

    The honeymoon went well and was great fun, but as soon as she got home, she went to see her doctor to question him on some of the new things she'd seen.

    "What can I help you with?" he asked.

    She said, "Well first, what is that thing between my husband's legs called?"

    "Maam," he answered, "that there is called a penis."

    "I see," she said. "Now what is the big thing on the end of the penis called?"

    The old doctor smiled and said, "Why that there is called the head of the penis."

    "I do declare!" exclaimed the young woman. "One last question doctor, what are those two big round things about 12 to 14 inches behind the head of the penis?"

    He paused and said, "I'm not sure about your husband, maam, but on me, they're called the cheeks of my ass!"
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