What did the croc say to the peacock? Learn to fake it like me, da. Judge: How did you get pregnant, madam? Girl: He shed crocodile tears, my lord. I found out later that they were peacock tears. Secret ingredient of Spy 303 (Bandook ke peeche kya hai?) capsules revealed: Peacock tears. Their new baseline: Yeh Dil Maange Mor! Do you know why peacocks go on blinking and never stare at a comp for too long? Because they are petrified of dry eye. Where does a peacock go when it has fertility issues? Sankara Netralaya. Old peacock saying: An eye for an eye will make the whole world impotent. What is the difference between man and peacock? Man has eyeball. Peacock has balleye. What happened to the sex crazy peacock? It went blind. What do gay peacocks do? They go eyeball to eyeball (or balleye to balleye). How does a peacock sext? It sends teary-face emojis. What is proper peacock funeral etiquette? All of them laugh continuously. But gently. You don't want tears. How do you know a peacock has had sex? It will have under-eye bags. What do you call a peacock that can cry four-five times a day? Stud. What contraceptives do peacocks use? Spectacles. What would Sachin do if he was a peacock? He'd constantly adjust his spectacles. What do you call a one-eyed peacock? Half-Boyfriend. What do peacocks carry with them to an orgy? Glycerine. |