Alcohol and Sex


    Joe went to a party the other night and was having a real blast. After he'd been there a few hours, and more than just several drinks, he noticed this fabulous blonde standing over to the side. She was in her early to mid twenties with beautiful long blonde hair down to her waist. She was built like a brick, well, anyway she was built!

    The amazing thing was, she kept staring at him and smiling. Naturally, being a man, he decided to go try his luck. Like they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    He went over and struck up a conversation with her (don't remember about what, but it had to be very interesting).

    Well, one thing led to another and she invited him back to her place and being the gentleman he was, he said, "OK."

    He would not go into all the details of the night, mainly because he didn't remember, but he awoke the next morning to the aroma of fresh coffee and bacon frying.

    He thought now this is great! He thought he might have a keeper here.

    He got up and got dressed and headed for the kitchen. When he got there, her mom, looked to be in her 70's or 80's was standing at the stove.

    Embarrassed, he stammered, "Where's your daughter?"

    She slowly turned around with a sly little smile on her face and said, "I don't have a daughter, stud."
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