Old Lady Story


    Bill decided to try his hand at a new job and secured one as a used car salesman.

    He had no experience in this field but he figured he could use the old sales pitch that the car was like brand-new and had only been driven by a little old lady on Sundays. He tried that approach on every prospective buyer but none seemed to believe him and no sales were made that day.

    His boss was furious and threatened to fire Bill if he didn't sell any cars the following day.

    The following day he decided to change his sales pitch and sure enough he sold three cars.

    The manager of the used car dealership called him over and asked what he had done to bring about all these sales.

    Bill grinned, "Well they didn't believe my little old lady story, so I told them that the car had previously been owned by your daughter who only used the backseat."
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