A Smart Salesman


    A young Indian left his job in India and joined a salesman's job in a big departmental store in Canada!! On the first day, the Indian worked with full vigour.

    At 6 pm
    Boss: How much of sales did you do on the first day?

    Indian: Sir, I attended to 1 Sales call.

    Boss: Only 1 sale the whole day? Usually every salesman here does 20 to 30 Sale transactions a day. Well, tell me what is the value of your today's one sale?

    Indian: $93300....!

    Boss: What?? Unbelievable! But how did you do that?

    Indian: Sir, 1 customer came in and I sold him a small fishing hook. Then a mazola and then finally sold a big hook. Then I sold him 1 big fishing rod and some fishing gear... Then I asked him where does he go to catch fish and he said to the coastal area.

    Then I said to him that he would need a boat. So I took him down to the boat department and sold him a 20 ft double engine schooner boat.

    When he said the boat won't come in his Volkswagen, I took him to the auto mobile section and sold him the new Deluxe 4 x 4 blazer to carry the boat.

    And when I asked him where he would be going fishing ??? He didn't plan anything. So I took him to the camping section and sold him a six sleeper camper tent.

    And then he took groceries worth $ 200 and 2 cases of beer....!

    Now the boss took 2 steps back and asked: You sold all this to a person who came just to buy only 1 fish hook???

    Indian: No Sir... He actually came in to buy 1 Tablet for his headache.... I explained to him that 'Fishing' is the Best Way to Get Rid of Headaches!!!

    Boss: Where did you work before ???

    Indian: I was a PRO in a private hospital in India. For any patient who would come in for any 'Minor Complaint', we get the Patient Tested for Pathology, ECO, ECG, TMT, CT SCAN, X-Ray, MRI etc.

    Boss: Will You please sit in my chair? I shall go to India and join a Private Hospital for Training.
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