
    Akbar asked Birbal to look for Five of the biggest idiots in the Country and produce them in his Royal cyourt within a month.

    After a month's extensive search, Birbal brought to the Royal Court only two people !!

    "But I asked for Five," Akbar angrily thundered.

    "My Lord, Give me a chance to present them one by one," Birbal pleaded and went on to present his list of idiots:

    "Maharaj, this man, while travelling in a Bullock cart, was keeping his luggage on his head, so as to reduce the load on the Bullocks. He is the First idiot." (In Corporate parlance , the Managers who take all the Work-load on themselves and do not delegate at all).

    Pointing to the second man Birbal continued, "And this man here is the Second idiot. Some Grass grew on the Roof of his thatched house and he was trying to force his Cow, to climb up a ladder to graze on the Grass."

    (In Corporate parlance, those who set unrealistic Targets and force their Team members to achieve them, without realising the actual capabilities & competencies of their subordinates).

    Birbal continued, "Maharaj, there are a lot of important jobs for me to do in the Administration. but I ignored all of them and wasted one precious month, searching for idiots. According to me, I am the Third idiot."

    (Idiots who rush obediently for taking up any stupid job Assignments, without any qualms).

    Birbal paused here for a moment.

    "Who are the Fourth and Fifth idiots?" Akbar thundered.

    "Beg your pardon, Maharaj," Birbal continued, "You are the King and you are responsible for the well-being of the entire Country and its people. You need wise persons, to help you oversee the affairs of the Country. Instead of looking out for wise people, you engaged me to look for idiots. According to me, Your Majesty, you are the Fourth idiot."

    (Bad leaders who come up with poor Strategies and want idiots to follow them blindly).

    And, Maharaj, the person who is glued to *Whatsapp* keeping aside all his High Priority Assignments, oblivious of pressing needs of his family, just to learn who is the Fifth idiot, is himself the Fifth idiot. What do you say, Maharaj ?"

    Akbar said, "Post it immediately in all groups."
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