Little Johnny is lying in his bed one night and just can`t get to sleep. He decides to go to his parent`s room to go chat to them. Upon entering their room, he sees their blankets going up-and-down. Johnny:" Mommy, daddy, what are you doing?" Parents:" We are playing cards, now GET OUT!" So Johnny decides to go into hisgrandparent`s room, only to find the blankets going up-and-down. Johnny:" Granny, Grandpa, what are you doing?" Grandpa:" Get out! We are playing cards!" Feeling rejected, Johnny goes back to his own room and gets back into bed. A while later both his parents, and grandparents feel bad for yelling at him so decide to go and apologize. Upon entering his room, they see the blankets going up-and-down. "Johnny! What are you doing??!!" Johnny:"I`m playing cards." Grandpa:" But who`s your partner?" Johnny: "With a hand like this, who needs a partner?" |