
    Guard dog!
    Banta and his wife, Preeto, lived in a town filled with crime. After three of their neighbors` houses had been robbed, the couple decided to get a guard dog.
    So Preeto went to the pet store and said, "I need a good guard dog."
    The clerk replied, "Sorry, we`re all sold out. All we have left is this little Scottie dog. But, he does knows karate."
    Preeto didn`t believe the clerk, so he said to the dog, "Karate that chair."
    The dog went up to the chair and broke it into pieces. Then he said to the dog, "Karate that table." The dog went up to the table and broke it in half.
    So Preeto bought the dog and took it home to Banta who was expecting a big guard dog. Banta was of course disappointed and somewhat skeptical about the Scottie dog`s abilities as a guard dog.
    When she told Banta that the dog knew karate, he said, "Karate my ass!"
    And to this very day, he is in the hospital.
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