
    Banta was delighted to finally be asked home to meet the parents of the young woman he`d been seeing for some time.
    He was quite nervous about the meeting, though, and by the time he arrived punctually at the doorstep he was in a state of gastric distress.
    The problem developed into one of acute flatulence, and halfway through the coffee, Banta realised he couldn`t hold it in one second longer without exploding. A tiny fart escaped.
    "Boxer!" called out the young woman`s mother to the family dog, lying at Banta`s feet.
    Relieved at the dog`s having been blamed, Banta let another, slightly larger one go.
    "BOXER!" she called out sharply.
    "I`ve got it made," thought Banta to himself, "one more and I`ll feel fine."
    So he let loose a really big one.
    "BOXER!!" shrieked the mother. "Get over here before he shits on you!"
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