Never let him see...


    Preeto's mother had some old-fashioned ideas of marriage, and passed them on to her daughter.
    "Never let your husband see you in the nude," she advised. "You should always wear something."
    "Yes, mother," replied the obedient Preeto.
    Two weeks after the wedding, Preeto and her brand-new husband, Banta were preparing to retire when he asked, "Dear, has there ever been any insanity in your family?"
    "Not that I know of," Preeto answered. "Why?" "Well, we've been married for two weeks now and every night you've worn that silly cap to bed."
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  • In Too Deep! There was a couple, Banta and Preeto, going at it for the first time, and they were going at it for a while when suddenly Banta asks Preeto to open her legs a little wider.
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