
    A very rich maharajah decided to give his daughter and his kingdom to the guy who would bring to him the most precious ping-pong balls.
    Indeed, some days later a guy brings a pair of golden balls, while another brought a pair of diamond ones and a third brought a ping-pong ball made of a very rare mineral found only in a remote part of the Amazon jungle.
    The maharajah was ready to issue his decision, when suddenly our brave Santa, holding a pair of watermellon-shaped black things, shows up screaming "Hold it, I brought them"...
    The maharajah says "But, these are not ping-pong balls".
    Santa, startled, says, "Ping Pong? Shit..I heard King Kong"
  • Demanding sons! Santa is a farmer has three sons. One day his eldest son comes to him and pleads that he is graduating from university and would really like to get a bike.
    Santa says, 'Son, come with me.'
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    'This', he said, 'is the Super Computer. It will give an...
  • Engineers! Three engineers got on a crowded lunchtime bus. They somehow worked their way to the middle of the bus where they found three girls willing to exchange their seats for a place on the guys' laps.
    After they got settled and had ridden that way for a while, the first girl suddenly asked the gentleman under her whether he might be an...
  • Heroics! Andy gets home and happy and his room mate ask him why are you so happy.
    Then Andy said I did something right for a change.
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    Andy replies well last night I met a good looking chick. I...
  • Identical twins!!! Banta married one of a pair of identical twins. Less then a year later he was in court filing for a divorce.
    'Tell the court why you want a divorce,' the judge said.
    'Well, Your Honor,' Banta started, 'every once in a while my sister-in-law would come over for a visit, and because she and my wife are identical, ...