
    Banta is driving his brand new Honda down the highway. He's just couple of minutes away from home when he sees a car on the side of the road, on its roof with flames all around and there's a beautiful woman in the car bleeding to death.
    He stops, took her out and puts her on the back seat of his car and then rushes to the hospital. For six months she lies in the hospital, and he is with her every day and every night. He donates his blood to keep her alive. Eventually, she recovers fully, and they get married.
    Life is cool for a few years, until one day she gets fed up and decides to leave him. His love of money is obvious, and she feels like a trophy wife. She comes down the stairs, struggling with her two suitcases, and reaches into her pocket for the keys to the car.
    Sure enough, Banta stops her before she reaches the door and asks, "What are you doing?"
    "I'm leaving you," she says.
    "Oh really, and how are you going to leave? The keys in your hand are for the car I paid for. It's my car."
    "Fine," she says, and throws the keys at him.
    "And those bulging suitcases? The clothes you're wearing? Everything, I've paid for. They are my suitcases and my clothes. You're not taking them anywhere"
    "Fine," she says, and throws the suitcases at him. She strips down completely and throws her clothes at him too.
    "And the blood in your body? I sat with you for six months in the hospital. You know half of the blood is mine. You're not going anywhere."
    She looks at him, whips out her tampon and, throwing it at him says, "I'll pay you back in monthly installments, here's the first."
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