
    Wood Cracks
    Wife is outside hanging up the laundry, when she hears her husband in the kitchen.

    She walks in and says, "Get out there and fix that there outhouse."

    Husband says, "All right, dear."

    He walks out to the outhouse, looks at it and says, "Honey, there ain't nothing wrong with this here outhouse!"

    Wife says, "Yes, there is. Put your head down in the hole."

    Husband says, "I ain't putting my head in that there hole!"

    Wife says, "Well you have to if you're gonna fix the problem!"

    So he puts his head down in the hole and then hollers, "Honey, there ain't nothing wrong with this here outhouse!"

    Wife hollers, "Now pull your head out of the hole."

    Husband goes to lift up his head and he says, "Oww! OWW! Oww...! Darling, my beard's stuck in the wood cracks in the seat!"

    Wife says, "Frustrating, ain't it?"
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