Birthday Treat


    Birthday Treat
    A man takes his newly turned 16 years-old son to a prostitute as a birthday treat. The sum of 500 rupees was agreed and she took the boy by his arm into her room.

    Being a nosy fellow and wanting to know that his boy was getting his money's worth the father decides to listen in at the door.

    Things get underway and very soon the foreplay gives way to intercourse, being quite new to it all the young lad is taking it carefully and stops, (thinking he's hurting her), when he hits the six-inch mark as the woman starts panting and moaning heavily.

    Asking her if she's all right, she suddenly exclaims, "If you can give me another inch I'll knock 200 off your bill."

    The young lad duly complies, 30 seconds later the woman again says, "Give me another inch and I'll knock another 200 off your bill", again the lad duly complies.

    Yet again, another 30 seconds later the prostitute says to the young lad, "If you can give me another inch, I'll give this one to you for free...” which point the father bursts into the room, pulls his son from between the prostitutes thighs and says, "Stand back Son, time to see your Dad make a profit!"
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