Lexophilia SMS

  • When the weather's sticky in summer, I feel glue-me!Upload to Facebook
    When the weather's sticky in summer, I feel glue-me!
  • I wanted to marry a Photo Journalist, Par  PAPA RAZZI Nahi Hue!Upload to Facebook
    I wanted to marry a Photo Journalist, Par PAPA RAZZI Nahi Hue!
  • A cemetery raises its burial cost and blames it on the cost of 'living'.<br/>
Indeed a grave situation!Upload to Facebook
    A cemetery raises its burial cost and blames it on the cost of 'living'.
    Indeed a grave situation!
  • Why didn't 4 ask out 5?<br/>
Because he was 2²!Upload to Facebook
    Why didn't 4 ask out 5?
    Because he was 2²!
  • What do you call a typo on a headstone?<br/>
A grave mistake!Upload to Facebook
    What do you call a typo on a headstone?
    A grave mistake!
  • What do you call two guys hanging from your window?<br/>
Curt and Rod!Upload to Facebook
    What do you call two guys hanging from your window?
    Curt and Rod!
  • What do beekeepers put in their party bags?<br/>
Freebees!Upload to Facebook
    What do beekeepers put in their party bags?
  • When in Chennai, many North Indians wonder..`Ye Kahan Aa Gaye Hum, Yun Hi South-South Chalte!`Upload to Facebook
    When in Chennai, many North Indians wonder.."Ye Kahan Aa Gaye Hum, Yun Hi South-South Chalte!"
  • What do you call a kangaroo wearing a sweater?<br/>
A wooly jumper!Upload to Facebook
    What do you call a kangaroo wearing a sweater?
    A wooly jumper!
  • For his birthday, I got my son an alarm clock that swears at him instead of beeping.<br/>
He is in for a rude awakening!Upload to Facebook
    For his birthday, I got my son an alarm clock that swears at him instead of beeping.
    He is in for a rude awakening!