Interesting Graffiti

  • Multitasking - Reading in the bathroom.Upload to Facebook
    Multitasking - Reading in the bathroom.
  • A girl in a swimsuit wears nothing to speak of, but plenty to talk about.Upload to Facebook
    A girl in a swimsuit wears nothing to speak of, but plenty to talk about.
  • I never argue, I just explain why I'm right.Upload to Facebook
    I never argue, I just explain why I'm right.
  • It's not hard to meet expenses, they are everywhere.
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    It's not hard to meet expenses, they are everywhere.
  • If moths are attracted to bright lights, how come they sleep during the day?Upload to Facebook
    If moths are attracted to bright lights, how come they sleep during the day?
  • The world's full of apathy, but so what?Upload to Facebook
    The world's full of apathy, but so what?
  • I'm not totally useless. I can be used as a bad example.Upload to Facebook
    I'm not totally useless. I can be used as a bad example.
  • Stupidity is an equal opportunity employer.Upload to Facebook
    Stupidity is an equal opportunity employer.
  • A person is lazy if he gets excited about cancelled plans. Upload to Facebook
    A person is lazy if he gets excited about cancelled plans.
  • Yoga sessions are too stretched.Upload to Facebook
    Yoga sessions are too stretched.