Playboy exploits sex the way Sports Illustrated exploits sports. |
To succeed with the opposite sex, tell her you're impotent. She can't wait to disprove it. |
Pornography tells lies about women. But pornography tells the truth about men. |
Sex was never as neat as the movies made it. Real sex was messy. Good sex was messier. ~ Blue Moon |
Sex is just another form of talk, where you act the words instead of saying them. ~ Lady Chatterley's Lover |
People take sex far too seriously. |
I was so poor growing up...if I wasn't a boy...I'd have nothing to play with. |
My wife was afraid of the dark... then she saw me naked and now she's afraid of the light. |
The prison psychiatrist asked me if I thought sex was dirty. I told him only when it's done right. |
Money, it turned out, was exactly like sex, you thought of nothing else if you didn't have it and thought of other things if you did. |