Funny Graffiti

  • Yesterday, a clown held open the door for me. It was a nice jester!Upload to Facebook
    Yesterday, a clown held open the door for me. It was a nice jester!
  • True laziness is getting excited when a plan gets cancelled!Upload to Facebook
    True laziness is getting excited when a plan gets cancelled!
  • A well-executed theft in which there are no fingerprints left is a 'stainless steal'!
  • It is hard to get more out of a bikini than you put into it.
  • Driving with bald tires is a hairy experience.
  • I don't like meeting my friends from school and college because they remind me of my failures in life!Upload to Facebook
    I don't like meeting my friends from school and college because they remind me of my failures in life!
  • A loser is a bald guy with dandruff.
  • Aging gracefully is like, the nice way of saying you're slowly looking worse.
  • I've just replaced my shoelaces with earphones. Now they tie themselves.
  • If someone conducts himself well, then can he be declared as good Conductor!