Faking it Quotes Adult and Non veg Restricted

  • Now? I'm just another female faking orgasms to make a man not feel so inadequate.Upload to Facebook
    Now? I'm just another female faking orgasms to make a man not feel so inadequate.
    ~ Jess C. Scott, Kylie
  • I think it's a major epidemic in women, faking orgasms. So many women in this world feel like they are put on this planet to please men, that they have to fake, and they never worry about their own pleasure.Upload to Facebook
    I think it's a major epidemic in women, faking orgasms. So many women in this world feel like they are put on this planet to please men, that they have to fake, and they never worry about their own pleasure.
    ~ Jenna Jameson, pr.com interview, May 17, 2007
  • The worst crime is faking it.
    ~ Kurt Cobain
  • Memory is like an orgasm. It's a lot better if you don't have to fake it.
    ~ Author Unknown
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