Girls, if a guy... - remembers your birthday - knows what you enjoy - saves your pictures - understands your family and friends This guy is not your man. This guy is Mark Zuckerberg! |
You changed my life into a journey of pleasure and love. Every moment I spend with you, I get even more in love with you! |
I was thinking if there was an additional heart you have. Since mine has just been robbed! |
In my tough times and my heartbreaks, you've always been there. I thank God every day for blessing me with such a wonderful friend in you! |
My best mates and I played a game of Hide and Seek. It went on for hours... Well, good friends are hard to find! |
Friends pick us up when we fall down, and if they can't pick us up... they lie down and listen for a while! |
Friend is a word; Yaar is an emotion; But 'Kamina' is a feeling! |
There are friends in life... and there are friends for life! |
When I am not with you, I am just like a puzzle with lots of missing pieces - incomplete. Come and feel me! |
I was going to give you a nasty look; But I see you already have one! |