Good Night SMS

  • A goodnight text isn't always a text that says Good Night.<br/>
Sometimes it's a random text at night reminding someone how much they mean to you.<br/>
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    A goodnight text isn't always a text that says Good Night.
    Sometimes it's a random text at night reminding someone how much they mean to you.
    Good Night!
  • I wish Moon always be full and bright;<br />
And it's always be cool at night.<br />
Now go and switch off the lights;<br />
And accept my warm wishes of Good Night!Upload to Facebook
    I wish Moon always be full and bright;
    And it's always be cool at night.
    Now go and switch off the lights;
    And accept my warm wishes of Good Night!
  • Tiredness draws across the mind, making the body fade flexibility and soon windows of soul begin to close and enter the dreamland.<br/>

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    Tiredness draws across the mind, making the body fade flexibility and soon windows of soul begin to close and enter the dreamland.
    Good Night!
  • Mornings makes us tense;<br/>
Afternoons makes us tired;<br/>
Evenings makes us party;<br/>
But only nights makes us rest.<br/>
So close your eyes and enjoy your dreams.<br/>
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    Mornings makes us tense;
    Afternoons makes us tired;
    Evenings makes us party;
    But only nights makes us rest.
    So close your eyes and enjoy your dreams.
    Good Night!
  • Worries are like Moon.<br/> 
One day, it'll increase;<br/>
The other day, it'll decrease;<br/>
And some days, it may not even be seen.<br/>
So don't worry for anything.<br/>
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    Worries are like Moon.
    One day, it'll increase;
    The other day, it'll decrease;
    And some days, it may not even be seen.
    So don't worry for anything.
    Good Night!
  • My day is incomplete as I still have unfinished tasks at hand. I just couldn't catch sleep without saying `I love you`.<br />
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    My day is incomplete as I still have unfinished tasks at hand. I just couldn't catch sleep without saying "I love you".
    Good Night!
  • If your thoughts are pure, it becomes easy to say what you think and do what you say.<br/>
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    If your thoughts are pure, it becomes easy to say what you think and do what you say.
    Good Night!
  • May you have nightmares;<br/>
May you have a restless sleep;<br/>
And may bed mites irritate you all night, if<br/>
you don't wish me Good Night every time before going to sleep!Upload to Facebook
    May you have nightmares;
    May you have a restless sleep;
    And may bed mites irritate you all night, if
    you don't wish me Good Night every time before going to sleep!
  • Night is a theatre;<br/>
Dream is a movie;<br/>

God is the director;<br/>

Nature is the producer;<br/>

And YOU are the hero.<br/>

Enjoy the night with sweet dreams!Upload to Facebook
    Night is a theatre;
    Dream is a movie;
    God is the director;
    Nature is the producer;
    And YOU are the hero.
    Enjoy the night with sweet dreams!
  • 'Truth' and 'Patience' are those Rides which never let their Rider Fall;<br/>

Neither at anyone's feet nor in anyone's eyes.<br/>
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    'Truth' and 'Patience' are those Rides which never let their Rider Fall;
    Neither at anyone's feet nor in anyone's eyes.
    Good Night!