Men and Women SMS

  • If you believe only women gossip about each other, try praising one guy in front of another!Upload to Facebook
    If you believe only women gossip about each other, try praising one guy in front of another!
  • Men are also good at multitasking. They can screw up several things at once!Upload to Facebook
    Men are also good at multitasking. They can screw up several things at once!
  • Men swear they know everything until you ask them who she is!Upload to Facebook
    Men swear they know everything until you ask them who she is!
  • Men: Seriously why do you need such a big bag?
    Also Men: Can I put this in your bag?
  • Time waits for no man...<br/>
Time is definitely a woman!Upload to Facebook
    Time waits for no man...
    Time is definitely a woman!
  • Men and women at least agree on one thing... they both don't trust women!Upload to Facebook
    Men and women at least agree on one thing... they both don't trust women!
  • In the beginning, God created man, but seeing man's ego balloon he then created woman and balance was restored!Upload to Facebook
    In the beginning, God created man, but seeing man's ego balloon he then created woman and balance was restored!
  • If the woman is always right, and a man is always wrong. Then, if a man tells a woman that she's right.<br/>
Is the man right or wrong?Upload to Facebook
    If the woman is always right, and a man is always wrong. Then, if a man tells a woman that she's right.
    Is the man right or wrong?
  • Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy!Upload to Facebook
    Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy!
  • Science reveals that women have cleaner minds than men...<br/>
Due to the fact that they change them every 10 seconds or so!Upload to Facebook
    Science reveals that women have cleaner minds than men...
    Due to the fact that they change them every 10 seconds or so!