Puzzles and Riddles SMS

  • What's the first letter of the sequence: MAMJJASON?
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    What's the first letter of the sequence: MAMJJASON?
  • What loses its head in the morning but gets it back at night?Upload to Facebook
    What loses its head in the morning but gets it back at night?
  • Santa went to the market with his dog. He rode on a horse to the market, yet walked.<br />
The horse's name was Victory and the dog was from Bhutan. What's the name of the dog that went to the market?Upload to Facebook
    Santa went to the market with his dog. He rode on a horse to the market, yet walked.
    The horse's name was Victory and the dog was from Bhutan. What's the name of the dog that went to the market?
  • What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs at night?Upload to Facebook
    What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs at night?
  • What has a head but never weeps;<br />
Has a bed but never sleeps;<br />
Can run but never walks;<br />
And has a bank but no money?Upload to Facebook
    What has a head but never weeps;
    Has a bed but never sleeps;
    Can run but never walks;
    And has a bank but no money?
  • Rajiv has 5 daughters.<br />
1. Janu<br />
2. Jenu<br />
3. Jinu<br />
4. Jonu<br />
5. ...<br />
What is the name of the fifth daughter?Upload to Facebook
    Rajiv has 5 daughters.
    1. Janu
    2. Jenu
    3. Jinu
    4. Jonu
    5. ...
    What is the name of the fifth daughter?
  • The more it dries, the wetter it becomes. What is it?Upload to Facebook
    The more it dries, the wetter it becomes. What is it?
  • Which eight-letter word still remains a word after we remove one letter from it at a time?Upload to Facebook
    Which eight-letter word still remains a word after we remove one letter from it at a time?
  • I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter but can't go outside. What am I?
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    I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter but can't go outside. What am I?
  • What goes through towns and over hills but never moves?Upload to Facebook
    What goes through towns and over hills but never moves?