Puzzles and Riddles SMS

  • What goes up a chimney down but can't come down a chimney up?
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    What goes up a chimney down but can't come down a chimney up?
  • If you have 12 marbles and 3 identical bags. There are 3 creative ways to place the 12 marbles in the 3 bags whereby each bag contains the same number of marbles.<br />
One way would be to put 4 marbles in each bag. Can you find the other 2 ways?Upload to Facebook
    If you have 12 marbles and 3 identical bags. There are 3 creative ways to place the 12 marbles in the 3 bags whereby each bag contains the same number of marbles.
    One way would be to put 4 marbles in each bag. Can you find the other 2 ways?
  • 2 + 6 + 10 + 14 + 18 + 22 + 26 + 3 0+ 34 + 38 = 200<br />
Select any 5 numbers such that their total is 100!
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    2 + 6 + 10 + 14 + 18 + 22 + 26 + 3 0+ 34 + 38 = 200
    Select any 5 numbers such that their total is 100!
  • I have four identical brothers. I don't get out as much as them.<br />
While the four of them go around, I sleep quietly in the dark. I am often forgotten about but in times of trouble
I shall be woken up and called upon to save the day.<br />
What am I?Upload to Facebook
    I have four identical brothers. I don't get out as much as them.
    While the four of them go around, I sleep quietly in the dark. I am often forgotten about but in times of trouble I shall be woken up and called upon to save the day.
    What am I?
  • Angel is as old as Richard will be when Angel is twice as old as Angel was when Richard's age was half the sum of their present ages.<br />
Richard is as old as Angel was when Richard was half the age he will be 10 years from now.<br />	
The Question: How old are Richard and Angel?Upload to Facebook
    Angel is as old as Richard will be when Angel is twice as old as Angel was when Richard's age was half the sum of their present ages.
    Richard is as old as Angel was when Richard was half the age he will be 10 years from now.
    The Question: How old are Richard and Angel?
  • I am an 11 letter word.<br />
1, 2, 3 and 4 make a bank's name.<br />
5, 6 and 7 is a Car brand.<br />
8, 9, 10 and 11 is a mode of transport.<br />
What am I?Upload to Facebook
    I am an 11 letter word.
    1, 2, 3 and 4 make a bank's name.
    5, 6 and 7 is a Car brand.
    8, 9, 10 and 11 is a mode of transport.
    What am I?
  • How many months have 28 days?Upload to Facebook
    How many months have 28 days?
  • Take the number of days in a leap year; add the number of months with 30 days; divide by the number of loaves in a baker's dozen; add the number of days in March; add the square root of nine; divide by the number of days in a week.<br/>
Which month are you left with?Upload to Facebook
    Take the number of days in a leap year; add the number of months with 30 days; divide by the number of loaves in a baker's dozen; add the number of days in March; add the square root of nine; divide by the number of days in a week.
    Which month are you left with?
  • Two fathers took their sons to a fruit stall. Each man and son bought an apple, But when they returned home, they had only 3 apples. They did not eat any, lose any or throw any. How could this be possible?Upload to Facebook
    Two fathers took their sons to a fruit stall. Each man and son bought an apple, But when they returned home, they had only 3 apples. They did not eat any, lose any or throw any. How could this be possible?
  • She is hot.<br/>
She is sweet.<br/>
She always needs a lip for a kiss.<br/>
The whole world is mad for her.<br/>
Who? Who is she?<br/>
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    She is hot.
    She is sweet.
    She always needs a lip for a kiss.
    The whole world is mad for her.
    Who? Who is she?
    Do you know